Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Maddie's First Holiday Season!

A lot has gone on since my last post.  Maddie celebrated her first Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's!  For Thanksgiving, we had a quiet dinner, just Mommy, Daddy and Nonni.  We were unable to travel because Maddie's surgery was only two weeks prior to Thanksgiving; but you wouldn't have known it was only two weeks with how great she was doing!  We also started solids right around Thanksgiving and this girl will eat anything.  Except potatoes which I don't blamer her; they need some butter and sour cream.  :) In December, Grandma Lehmkuhl came to visit and Maddie had her first encounter with Santa.  She didn't hate it but she didn't love it either.  We did get a smile out her, though.  We also traveled to Northern California for Christmas and New Years.  Maddie received several gifts but seemed more interested in the wrapping paper and ribbons than the actual toys.  :)  We spent New Year's with the Arata Family.  Maddie and August are getting more acquainted since they will be best buddies soon; while we were in Nor Cal we found an apartment in San Francisco!  So in three weeks or so, Maddie will be a city girl!

Here are some pictures from the past several weeks.
 Um, green beans.  JK she wasn't quite there yet.
 Happy Turkey Day!  (She was obsessed with sticking out her tongue that week)
 Yay, I can break out the Xmas pjs! (And my tongue)
 One of our Xmas card outtakes.  Maddie kept getting distracted by people walking by
 First solids...
 Just chillin'
 Mommy's camera is scary.
 I. Just. Want. My. Toy.
 Don't disturb me, I have a very important email to send.
 Yay Christmas!

 Xmas eve
 Yes, she is almost always this happy.


Favorite Present: Ribbons and Wrapping Paper

Hangin' at the Aratas' NYE
New Year's Day: new year, new love
It's for you!

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