Thursday, December 1, 2011

Maddie is 6 Months Old

I am a little late, but Maddie turned six months old last Tuesday!  It was an eventful month for us.  Maddie experienced her first Halloween; she was the cutest ladybug I have ever seen.  Mommy celebrated her 30th birthday - yay me! Oh, and Maddie had that heart surgery thingy.  :)

Sans the surgery and recovery, Maddie is a very happy and smiley baby girl.  She is really starting to develop a sweet and giggly personality.  She has started to laugh a lot - she loves Mommy's dance moves and awesome songs I make up.  And sometimes I find her laughing for no particular reason at all.  Every toy she has goes directly into her mouth, her favorite being her crunchy book.  We also started solids a couple weeks ago and she is just now starting to get the hang of it.  Even giggling while she eats.

This month was a tough one but we are so happy that her surgery is behind us.  Now on to our next chapter.... Our move to San Fran in January!

 Oh, the paparazzi!

 I'm cute
 Halloween party at Auntie Allie's. We went as new a Mom and Dad. :)
 Jake really wants to hold Mads on his shoulders..
 Sunset in CDM
 Giggly pumpkin
 Giggly pumpkin 2
 Whoa, that is a big spider.
 Tummy time!
 Way to excited to go into surgery
 The smallest hospital gowns they had.  Really?!
 First breakfast walk post surgery.
 Must. Put. Elmo. In. My. Mouth.
 This seems fun....
 Auntie Judy made me this beautiful blankie but I like the ribbon it was wrapped with more....
 Xmas tree at Fashion Island
 Really excited to be 6 months old.
 Carrots, yum!
I am 6 months old!  I showed heart surgery who's boss!

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