Just a recap on the past three months. Madeline Joanne Lehmkuhl was born on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 10:17am. She weighed in at 6 lb 12 oz and measured 19 inches. We couldn't have been happier.
A couple days after she was born, they found that Maddie had a heart condition called Tetrology of Fallot. Basically, she has a hole in her heart that needs to be repaired. She is a normal little girl but she just needs a patch job in the next couple months. Looking at her, you wouldn't think anything was wrong. But she did need to stay in the NICU for 4 days...
As bad as it was to not bring her home with us when I was discharged from the hospital, we learned so much from the NICU nurses. They were all so helpful and so wonderful. It definitely made us feel better about bringing Maddie home and being responsible for her. On Saturday, May 28, 2011 we finally brought our little Maddie Jo home.
The first few weeks were a bit overwhelming but fun. At her first pediatrician's appointment, Maddie had gained back her birth weight at then some. She was 7 lb 1 oz! And she managed to pee all over the nurse. Already a little spit fire. Here are some pics from her first few weeks.
Chillin' with Mommy on the couch. We napped soon after.
Second bath. We didn't have enough hands to document the first.
Trying out the infant seat. Not too sure about it
First tummy time
She likes her play gym. She was very curious and alert pretty early
So tiny compared to Keegan
Almost the size of Daddy's hand!
"I love my changing pad!" She really does.
Snooze after lunch
First BOB ride.
She could sleep anywhere
First party! Auntie Allie's housewarming party
First Father's Day!
First brunch at the Harbor Grill!
I love this blog! Keep it up plz! <3