Enough of the sappiness. Maddie finally began to "crawl" a week before her first birthday. I use the term crawl loosely because it is not your average crawl. But she is definitely on the move. She now has 5 teeth and is starting to feed herself more. She is such a joy to be around. She is constantly exploring and interested in new things.
For her first birthday party, we had some friends and family over to our Aunt and Uncle's house. It was so fun to celebrate her. Our little munchkin got a virus the day before her actual birthday, so not many pictures from that day. But please enjoy the pics!
It's my birthday party!
Clapping for herself, very modest
Uncle John and Aunt Kelley's present
Auntie Allie made it!
Her smash cake which she didn't smash
Our cake :)
Singing happy birthday
She did not like the hat
Was miss about the cake
Her favorite present, tissue paper
Her present from her boyfriend August
Yeah, that's a Cardinals jersey
Cardinals or Giants?! I don't know what to do!
Solar eclipse after party!
Opening her presents on her birthday from Mommy and Daddy
The happiest she was all day. It was 8:00am
What a difference a year makes!