Friday, March 16, 2012

Finally, a New Blog Post!

It has been a little over two months since our last blog post; but we had a big move and had to get settled so I have a bit of an excuse.  The end of January we made the move up to San Francisco!  It was quite a long and arduous process but we made it and we are finally settled.  We love it here.  So much to do not only for Mommy and Daddy but tons of things for Maddie to do as well.  We are living in the marina and are walking distance to the park and all the shops and restaurants on Chestnut.  I am definitely getting my exercise.  It is also so nice to be close to our family.  We have had several visits from Nonni, Auntie Jackie and Uncle John and Auntie Laura lives a very short bus ride away!  And we also get to hang out with Maddie's boyfriend August quite frequently.

Maddie started music class once we moved and she absolutely loves it.  The drum and shakers are her favorite instruments.  She is eating up a storm, she likes just about everything - except pasta, don't get me started - but is just starting to feed herself.  Jake and I were convinced that she hated getting her hands dirty that's why she wasn't doing it.  :) She is on the verge of crawling; she couldn't do tummy time for two months after her surgery but now she is finally used to it.  She pushes herself backwards when she is on her tummy; we are getting close to forward.  Quite helpful in cleaning the floors.  ;)  A couple of weeks after we moved up here she got her first tooth!  She now has two and I think her top two will be in any day now; she is a drool machine.  And she also got her first cold which, three weeks later, we are finally snot free.  On Valentine's Day we had our 3 month check up after Maddie's surgery; our new cardiologist said her heart looks great and we won't have to go back for another year!  It was such a relief.

Here are some pics from the last couple months.  Enjoy!

 The good luck charm ran out vs. the Giants :(
 Our last sunset in Corona del Mar

 This was a wee bit overwhelming
 The view from the top deck of our apartment building.
 Maddie seeing her new room for the first time.  Thank you Nonni for putting it together and thank you Auntie Kelley for watching me!
 First SF breakfast
 Music class. 
 First family dinner in SF
 After a week of screaming in the big girl bath, we had to go back to the sink...  At least we have smiles.
 Valentine's Day
 Daddy gave his little Valentine a Snoopy snow globe
 On a run with mommy
Cooking in her kitchen.  She takes it seriously 
 PJ time with Auntie Laura
 It is increasingly difficult to take her monthly pic

 She loves the swings at Moscone Park down the street from us
 At the Academy with her BF
 She is starting to feeding herself, kinda
 Playing in the sand with her homie
 Brunch with Auntie Jackie!  
 This is what I have to contend with at meal time
 The onesie is a welcome to SF present from Auntie Laura
 Loves walks/runs with mommy

First hair clip.  It's a skull.  Two words: Bad Ass